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From a Frustrated Producer in a Ragtag Bedroom Studio to Major Placements on TV Earning $1,000s!

If you want to make better music in your spare time and earn extra income from licensing it, welcome to your new community.

About Me

My name is Evan, and I've been making music since around 3rd grade. I'm from San Diego, California, but I've lived in Washington, DC for the last 20 years.

After 3 grueling years of grad school, though I had put aside serious attempts at making music. I found myself spending my days doing work that was dreadfully uncreative, with a ton of student student loan debt.
Which made me feel like my favorite parts of myself were withering.
But I didn't know what to do about it.
Being in my early 30s with tons of student loan debt, in a world where there is "no money in music," I felt like my youthful dreams of trying to "make it big" were dead. Like my music would remain unheard in my head and hard drive. 
Plus I came to realize that the time commitments for a band aren't easy.
Oh, and I can't sing. So doing the solo performer thing with a computer wouldn't work either.
Frustrated by my inability to get my music heard, I started researching solutions.

I looked into self releasing albums on iTunes or Spotify. But I realized that those mediums are useless unless you have a way of promoting your music, which takes a lot of time and luck, and probably requires a fair amount of gigging to get your name out there.
Instead, I wanted to find a way where I could focus on making the music and let someone else deal with promoting it. 
I realized the music licensing was the perfect opportunity for a solo artist like me to get my music heard, without having to do any promotion. I just need to focus on improving what I could control - my songwriting and my production skills.
Basically, I started writing and recording more songs, and learning a lot more about recording and music production through. I was working with a ragtag setup in my no-bedroom studio apartment: my computer, running a piece of software called Reason. I'd record my guitar through a cheap audio interface and mix it on cheap monitors, in a totally untreated room (that was also my bedroom, kitchen, and living room).
After months of writing and uploading, some of my songs started to gain traction, and from the songs that were successful, I able to suss through more research, more courses, more mentorship, and a lot of practice.  
One of the most important "breakthroughs" I had was realizing that my songs were never going to be perfect. It is really, really hard to let go of a song, especially when you hear it differently in your head.
But if you write enough songs, you do get a little more detached from each one, and you also get more comfortable with your skill level. It becomes possible to know that, while a song may not be perfect, it's the best I can make it right now. That kind of mindset allowed me to really accelerate my recording process.  

While I still have a full-time day job, I have created systems that have allowed me to produce dozens of songs a year in my spare time.

My songs have been on Netflix, TV shows like 90-Day Fiance, an award-winning indie film, and NPR’s “All Thing Considered.”

In addition to being a music producer, I am passionate about teaching people how they can make professional-sounding music and earn money licensing it, all in their spare time.

Thousands of musicians, like yourself, have trusted me to guide their musical journey. My YouTube videos have been watched nearly a million times. And my story has been in Forbes, Side Hustle Nation, and the Side Hustle School.

This site is also fortunate enough to be ranked as one of the best music websites by Intgeraudio


Hear some of my music



You can listen to some of my tracks here. These hip hop tracks were made in Reason for music licensing.

If you want to know a little bit more about my taste in music, here are my 3 favorite classic rock albums.

And if you want to see some of my music that I license, here are some of my collections:

I'm also the author of the music book, How to Mix with EQ: A Simple 4-Step System for Crystal Clear Mixes that Will Capture your Listeners' Imagination! 

At Stock Music Musician, you'll learn music production tips and music licensing strategies that you can instantly implement to improve your music and make more money. Producers who use Reason software to make music will find heaps of tutorials.

So if you want to make professional sounding music or earn an extra $200 or $300 a month, my goal is to help you do that.

My favorite thing is receiving emails from satisfied students telling me they've gotten their first sale or sharing a radio-ready mix!


Vision Statement

With the right guide, anyone can create better mixes, grow confident in their musical talent, and earn extra income from licensing their tracks.

Mission Statement

I help musicians grow their passion for music into a profitable and rewarding side hustle by teaching them the skills needed to turn their home studio hobby into a lucrative side hustle.

I do this through providing fun, laser-focused blueprints that anyone can immediately implement, whether you're looking to get better at producing, mixing, mastering, or licensing music.

Core Values

  • Passion: Our music is what makes us unique, and no matter the challenges we face, making music is an expression of our best selves. I strive to not only inspire your passion, but to help you channel it into something you will feel excited sharing with the world. And we'll probably even to have a little fun along the way!
  • Empathy & Respect: We're all on a journey of self-improvement together. Your music might not be where you want it yet (I get frustrated too!), but the only way to grow is to have empathy for yourself, your creations, and each other. I've been there, and I promise to treat you and your music with respect and empathy.
  • Connection: Music is as old as humanity, and one of the surest ways we connect with each other. I strive to genuinely get to know my students and their goals, so that I can guide them to achieve transformation they've been dreaming of.

Free Music Licensing Course Teaches You to Earn Money from Your Music

Join hundreds of students who've pursued their passion for making music through this free music licensing crash course

My Music Placements Include:

What I've Learned

I understand what it's like to have a hard drive full of half-finished "demos" that I'm both proud of and embarrassed by.

Like you, I was frustrated that no one would ever hear my music. And I didn't feel completely fulfilled by my day job.

When I first started out, my songs sounded amateurish, and so I never committed to finishing them. Sometimes they would randomly turnout ok, but I had no idea how to sell them or even how to repeat the process to make another decent mix.

Through hard work, trial and LOTS of error, I discovered how to produce professional sounding recordings and start making income by licensing my music.

My passion for making music, and the need for additional financial security led me to refine a system that has earned me thousands of dollars a year through music licensing. Plus I have the satisfaction of knowing that my music is being enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.

It's time to stop being embarrassed to share your music with friends/the world, and to gain the additional financial security available through music licensing. Let me show you techniques to stop wasting your limited free time in your home studio, so you can actually finish your songs, upload them, and get paid!

I’m here to teach you how you can also achieve this.


Start Earning Money from Your Music with the Free 5-Day Music Licensing Challenge!

Join hundreds of students who've pursued their passion for making music through this free music licensing crash course

My Quality Guarantee

I would do anything for music, but I wonā€™t do thatā€¦.

My courses are designed to:

  • teach foundational music production skills,
  • build your confidence,
  • save you time by teaching you how to become a more efficient producer,
  • improve the quality of your music,
  • help you earn extra money from your music,
  • and to be fun and entertaining

If you're dissatisfied for any reason, I offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee.

It’s also important to know somethings that I will not / do not do:

  • I don’t EVER license songs that I have a strong emotional attachment to
  • I won’t sell you on products that I don’t use
  • I disclose all sponsorship and affiliate relationships

What Students are Saying

"Save yourself hours learning the basic stuff!"


"Genuine and hands on and addresses key concerns!"


"This is by far the best detailed course out there to start making some money off your music! Very simple and easy going to follow! You just have to understand and apply. This is an investment of knowledge from someone who is doing what all music producers want to do, and that is to make money from their music! So learn from someone who is actually doing it and is very transparent about it! No Fluff!!! Worth the investment!"


Got any Questions?

You can always shoot me an email at stockmusicmusician [at]! I personally reply to all messages, but it may take me a few days to get back to you.

Free Music Licensing Course Teaches You to Earn Money from Your Music

Join hundreds of students who've pursued their passion for making music through this free music licensing crash course


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