Not sure how to use Reason to create the music you want?
The Reason Course Bundle will teach you how to use Reason 12 to make amazing music, no matter what genre you're into.
The Reason Course Bundle includes my two flagship Reason courses, Learn Reason in an Afternoon and Reason Unleashed.
Together they will teach you everything you could want to know about creating professional-sounding tracks in Reason.
These bundles include nearly a dozen hours of powerful music production of tutorials in Reason, covering everything from beginner setups to advanced CV routing.
By the time you're done, you'll be a Reason ninja!

Learn Reason in an Afternoon.
What if I told you that you could learn Reason 10x faster by ignoring a few key devices in Reason?
The fact is, a lot of what's included in Reason will only distract you from your goal of making great music. That's because Reason is chock full of outdated, legacy devices that you should be ignored in favor of more powerful, modern tools that were added recently to the software.
To help you quickly level up your production, I've distilled all most most important concepts into a perfect course focused directly on getting a beginner up and running in Reason.
- A practical solution: I'll show you exactly how to use all of the most important features in Reason. See how all the elements of Reason fit together in just couple of hours of short, fun video lessons.
- If you're new to Reason, you want to know exactly what works best. You want great sounding music, not fluff. An expert teacher lets you spend less time learning Reason so you can focus on what really maters: making your music great.
- Specifically focused on beginners: this course will teach you everything you need to know to get up and running creating music in Reason, while avoiding overly complicated distractions that are more appropriate for advanced users.
Reason Unleashed is an online course that gives you the tools you need to unlock the full creative power of Reason. Unleash the systems that have been holding you back for years and use their awesome flexibility to make your music.
This is specific — It includes the exact concepts, breakdowns, and examples of all the systems and shows you how they interrelate to each other.
This is rapid — a course you could complete in a weekend. Take it at your own pace and revisit it whenever you want.
And this is practical — if you’ve already tried the treadmill of random Reason tips and hacks, and you want to go beyond symptoms to focus on what truly works, Reason Unleashed gives you the precise, actionable framework needed to create your music on your terms.
Together they will teach you everything you could want to know about creating professional-sounding tracks in Reason.
These bundles include nearly a dozen hours of powerful music production of tutorials in Reason, covering everything from beginner setups to advanced CV routing.

Real Student Testimonials
Quinton B.
"Feeling pretty great now! Save yourself hours learning the basic stuff and get this. I'd rate it a 10!
Sean J.
"This course introduced Reason as a system, with tools and ideas that are integrated across every plugin--this made Reason instantly feel more accessible. I also appreciate how EQing/mixing/mastering was integrated throughout the sound design portions of the course. This was not part of my workflow beforehand, but the course made the connections between mixing/mastering and sound design very clear."
Albert P.
"I would highly recommend the course to anyone interested in learning Reason or someone who really needs to sharpen their chops in it, like me. I would also add that Evan is a great instructor, very clear in his instructions and explanations, and goes at a good pace, keeping things interesting without going too fast!"
Sean R.
"You've done more for my game in two weeks than I did messing around with Reason for a decade on my own!"
Pick the Package & Payment Plan that's Best For You
I've packed a lot into these courses, and I want to make sure that you not only get all that content before you fully commit to this — I want to give you 30 days to let it digest, integrate it into your daily life, and make sure this is really working for you.
Try the entire course. 30 days is enough time to take the course twice and then decide. If you don't LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. I'll even eat the credit-card processing fees. You can even keep all of the samples, templates, and project files as my gift to you.
It's simple: Join the program and try it for yourself. If the powerful focus on Reason's fundamentals don't help improve your music 30 days, I want you to email me and I'll give you all your money back.
This guarantee lasts 30 days, which completely covers the course. That means you can try the ENTIRE course and then decide if it's right for you.