In this article you'll learn all about the secret sauce for fat, powerful mixes: parallel processing. You'll see exactly how easy it is to use parallel compression in Reason, along with other parallel processing techniques.
To make the most out of this, I'd highly recommend you watch...
Last week I showed you an ultra-detailed tutorial about all the cool ways that you can trigger sidechain compression in Propellerhead Software’s Reason (affiliate link). Now that you know how to use sidechain compression though, I want to help you think about some...
Reason Tutorial: How to Use Sidechain Compression in Reason
Whether you’re new to Reason or an Expert, this you’ll find this Reason tutorial on how to use sidechain compression in Reason useful. I’ve been using Propellerhead’s Reason DAW (affiliate link) for...
Propellerhead’s Reason is loaded with different compressors. But knowing which one to use, when, can be a bit tricky. And learning how to use a compressor is also hard. That’s why I’m here to show you about how to get the most out of each compressor to make your mixes sound...
Using a sidechain compressor is one of the best ways to get punchy, clear mixes. Sidechain compression can substitute for EQ, control
reverb, and help glue your mix together.
In this article, I'll first briefly describe what compression is, then talk about how sidechain compression is...